Online play-along tracks to Essential Elements (Book 1) tunes:
Our 5th Graders have begun learning many songs out of our book already! In class, we use very fun background tracks in many different styles while we play. Practicing with the background tracks helps students play with steady beat, good intonation, and has many long-term musical benefits. These background tracks are available for students to use at home too, by using the (free!) Essential Elements Interactive website.
Here are the instructions for how your student can log in to our book's website or app, to practice with the play-along tracks at home:
1. Go to
2. Click on “Don’t have an account yet? Sign Up”
3. Click on the "Students" button
4. Enter your school code, which is Jenison
5. Click on No, I do not have an EEi Student ID
6. Fill in the boxes, and create a username and password for your own future use of this site.
7. Enter the Book Activation Code from the bottom of the first page of your child's orchestra book.
8. In the upper right-hand corner, click on the "Music Studio" button (with the microphone on it)
Our songs from the book are located in the MENU tab under "View Songlist.”
Students can choose several different fun background tracks for each song, and can also slow down the tracks while they are still learning each song.
In the future, we may use some of the other features of the website too!
Have fun! Perform the songs you learn for your family and friends!
Cold Cross Buns:
Hot Cross Buns:
Mary Lost Her Little Lamb:
Mary Found Her Little Lamb:
Jingle Bells - Fast version!
The Crazy Song!